Prebiotic | Great for weight loss | Vegan freindly | Gluten free | Paleo friendly

What is Resistant Starch?
Resistant starch is a type of starch that is not digested in the stomach or small intestine, reaching the colon intact. Thus, it “resists” digestion.
There are four types of resistant starch:
Starch is physically inaccessible (preventing digestive enzymes accessing the starch) as it is bound within the fibrous cell walls of plants. This is found in kibbled grains, legumes and seeds.
Found in unripe banana, raw potato, some legumes and plantains. This starch is high in amylose, which is indigestible in the raw state. Cooking these foods causes changes in the starch making it digestible to us (and removing the resistant starch).
Found after Type 1 or Type 2 starches have been cooked then cooled. Examples include cooked and cooled parboiled rice, potatoes, and soaked or sprouted, then cooked and cooled legumes.
These are chemically modified and synthetic form of starch primarily used to thicken foods such as hi-maize resistant starch. Type 4 aren't really recommended.
Benefits of Resistant Starch
Vegan, gluten AND paleo friendly
High in magnesium, fibre, protein, vitamin E and slow energy releasing
A prebiotic that feeds your microbiome as it encourages the growth and activity of microorganisms (e.g. good bacteria)
Helps to lower blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity
Contributes to weight loss from a feeling of fullness to decrease appetite and decrease fat storage in fat cells
Stimulates the large intestine’s bacteria to create short-chain fatty acids (particularly butyrate) which is a substance that maintains the bowel lining.

Where Can I Get It?
Some common sources of resistant starch include green (unripe) bananas, plantains, plantain flour, green banana flour, cooked and cooled parboiled rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes or legumes, carrot and raw potato starch.
How Much Should be Added to your Diet?
Studies indicate that the benefits of resistant starch may be seen when consuming around 15 to 30 grams daily.
Start Slow and Watch for Reactions
It’s best to start slowly (e.g. 1/2 teaspoon per day) and gradually build up your dose as tolerated.
Common reactions to resistant starch include increased gas, bloating, and changes in your stool. These symptoms are the result of rearrangements and adaptation in your bowel bacteria.
For most people, these side effects are short lived. If they persist, it is best to stop taking the resistant starch.

Source: The Resistant Starch Report, 2012.